Wednesday, September 03, 2008


YAY!!! Over 7 years of hunting and one restarted elf at level 49 42%, I have finally reached 52. Not overly bad, 8hp, 3mp level up. I added to Dex. Figured more firepower would be nice.

Thanks to all my friends who have hunted with me in the past: Listerine, Mercyless, Allisun, Comah, Mayuka, BriarRose, Dudebane, Marissa, Thebigguy, Doyorworst, Sunnyd, Heartbreaker, former pledgemates from Protoss II, RedDawn and Heart and Soul, and oh so many many I can't name here, but you're not forgotten. Thanks to the encouragement and general hunting advice from people like Fieldsoflove, Magnetik, and others.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Found this nice screen shot from September 07

This was right after the big Boss Island event ended. Was such a pleasant surprise, and immediately made it +5.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Got rid of the +8bg

Some dude wanted to trade me a 9ori for my 8bg. Would of traded it, but the dude never would get online. I ended up trading it for a 7k-xbow and 25m. I then sold the 7k-xbow for 94.5m, so 119.5m for a 26m 7bg and a handful of bdai. Not too shabby.

Now I think I am looking for a 9ori dagger. Would love to buy one for 100m. Hopefully I can find one. Other than that, not sure what to save for.