Wednesday, September 03, 2008


YAY!!! Over 7 years of hunting and one restarted elf at level 49 42%, I have finally reached 52. Not overly bad, 8hp, 3mp level up. I added to Dex. Figured more firepower would be nice.

Thanks to all my friends who have hunted with me in the past: Listerine, Mercyless, Allisun, Comah, Mayuka, BriarRose, Dudebane, Marissa, Thebigguy, Doyorworst, Sunnyd, Heartbreaker, former pledgemates from Protoss II, RedDawn and Heart and Soul, and oh so many many I can't name here, but you're not forgotten. Thanks to the encouragement and general hunting advice from people like Fieldsoflove, Magnetik, and others.